Saturday, May 7, 2011

A slight complication...

Poor Viv,
Our little girl was diagnosed with jaundice at the end of our hospital stay. Since she was doing so well with breast feeding and making dirty diapers, we were allowed to take her home and see how her levels went.

Sadly her bilirubin has been climbing so we have been taking her to the doctor daily for blood work. It was recommended we rent a biliblanket for 2 days to get her levels down. She doesn't seem to mind the blanket, which is a good thing!

(Now if I can just get to the gym and do laundry I should be good...)

Today we received good news that her levels are dropping, so fingers crossed she is back to normal very soon. I'm relieved jaundice does not cause newborns any discomfort, it's been hard seeing her poor heel get pricked every day. But she is a trooper, rarely crying at all and being very brave about the whole thing. Just the thought of a needle going in my heel makes my bottom lip tremble.

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